Inspection Diagnostics

In today's world, most modern vehicles are equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS).

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About this service

In today's world, most modern vehicles are equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). This system has sensors in each tire that sends the tire pressure data to a central computer. When the pressure is too low or too high, a warning light will illuminate on the dashboard, indicating that the pressure needs to be adjusted.

Maintaining the correct tire pressure not only extends the lifespan of the tires but also improves fuel efficiency and provides a smoother driving experience. In fact, every 3 pounds of pressure lost results in a 1% decrease in fuel economy. Additionally, the TPMS helps prevent flat tires, overheating, and blowouts.

Apart from replacing sensors occasionally, TPMS systems require very little maintenance. When changing tires between seasons, it's best to leave sensor replacement to a certified technician to avoid sensor damage. Our auto repair shop's certified technicians can also synchronize the tire pressure monitoring system with the central computer when installing new sensors on a set of spare tires or replacing a sensor.

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